problems with the automatic upgrade plugin,wpau_prelimcheck.class 300,

problems with the automatic upgrade plugin,wpau_prelimcheck.class 300.php not able to find directory wp-admin

Some people facing the problems with the automatic upgrade plugin. i have got the solution for you guys if all goes right then you will be automatically upgrade your wordpress plugin if it shows any error related to this plugin find yur solution here.

the main problem was at the time of giving the ftp details.

When you provide ftp details be sure you are giving the right path yes the path problem is the main problem.Just for example you have more than 1 website on a server like me they may be domains or subdomains.Now when you connect to ftp >> then to public_html folder then to website url .

Then this is the complete path not any /public_html or / just in case you have more websites on one web hosting.

For example take then you have to give path /public_html/ then it will work out.